Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Urdu Poetry Allama Iqbal in urdu english urdu free download urdu video urdu language for students in urdu about Pakistan

Urdu Poetry Allama Iqbal  Biography

Iqbal was born in the Punjab on February 22, 1873. His ancestors, who were Kashmiri Brahmins, had embraced Islam two hundred years earlier. Iqbal’s own father was a devout Muslim with Sufistic bent of mind.
qbal proceeded to Europe for higher studies in 1905 and stayed there for three years. He took the Honors Degree in Philosophy and taught Arabic at the Cambridge University in the absence of Prof. Arnold. From England, he went to Germany to do his doctorate in Philosophy from Munich and then returned to London to qualify for the bar. He also served as a teacher in the London school of Commerce and passed the Honors Examination in Economics and Political Science. During his stay in Europe Iqbal not only read voraciously but also wrote and lectured on Islamic subjects which added to his popularity and fame in literary circles.
Iqbal was shaken by the tragic events of World War I and the disaster the Muslims had to face. The genius had passed through the formative period. He had attained maturity as a poet, thinker, seer and crusader who could read the signs of tomorrow in the happenings of today, make predictions, present hard facts and unravel abstruse truths through the medium of poetry and ignite the flame of faith, Selfhood and courage by his own intensity of feeling and force of expression. Khizr-e-Raah (The Guide) occupies the place of pride among the poems he wrote during this period. Bang-e-Dara (The caravan bell) published in 1929 has held a place of honor in Urdu poetry and world poetry.

Iqbal preferred Persian for poetic expression because its circle was wider than that of Urdu in Muslim India. His Persian works, Asrar-e-khudi (Secrets of the self), Rumuz-e-Bekhudi (Mysteries of Selflessness), Payam-e-Mashriq (Message of the East), Javed Nama (The Song of Eternity) belong to the same period of his life. And so is Reconstruction of Religious Thoughts in Islam, which was extensively appreciated and translated into many languages. Academies were set up in Italy and Germany for the study of Iqbal’s poetry and philosophy.

The last phase of Iqbal’s life was embittered with constant illness. But as regards his creative activities this product was most productive. He kept in touch with every question of the day and continued composing beautiful verses.

A few minutes before his death he recited these touching lines:

The departed melody may return or not!

The zephyr from Hijaz may blow again or not!

The days of this Faqir has come to an end,

Another seer may come or not!
Although Iqbal’s was long and protracted the end was sudden and verypeaceful. He breathed his last in the early hours of April 21, 1938, in the arms of his old and devoted servant, leaving behind a host of mourners all over the Islamic world. There was a faint smile playing on his lips, which irresistibly reminded one of the last criterions, which he laid down for a truthful Muslim.

I tell you the sign of a Mumin-

When death comes there is smile on his lip

Urdu Poetry Allama Iqbal urdu english urdu free download urdu video urdu language for students in urdu about Pakistan

Urdu Poetry Allama Iqbal in urdu english urdu free download urdu video urdu language for students in urdu about Pakistan

Urdu Poetry Allama Iqbal  in urdu english urdu free download urdu video urdu language for students in urdu about Pakistan

Urdu Poetry Allama Iqbal  in urdu english urdu free download urdu video urdu language for students in urdu about Pakistan

Urdu Poetry Allama Iqbal  in urdu english urdu free download urdu video urdu language for students in urdu about Pakistan

Urdu Poetry Allama Iqbal  in urdu english urdu free download urdu video urdu language for students in urdu about Pakistan

Urdu Poetry Allama Iqbal in urdu english urdu free download urdu video urdu language for students in urdu about Pakistan

Urdu Poetry Allama Iqbal  in urdu english urdu free download urdu video urdu language for students in urdu about Pakistan

Urdu Poetry Allama Iqbal in urdu english urdu free download urdu video urdu language for students in urdu about Pakistan

Urdu Poetry Allama Iqbal  in urdu english urdu free download urdu video urdu language for students in urdu about Pakistan

Urdu Poetry Allama Iqbal in urdu english urdu free download urdu video urdu language for students in urdu about Pakistan

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